Add Calculations to a Resource

Use the Calculations tab of the Resource view to add calculations to a resource or child resource.

To add a calculation to a resource:

  1. Display the Resource view of the resource file that you want to update.
  2. In the Resources grid of the Resource view, select a resource or child resource.
    You must select a resource that has a result assignment.
    Note: Resources that already have result assignments are denoted by .
  3. Select the Calculations tab.
  4. In the Calculation pane of the Calculations tab, select the result for which you want to set up a calculation.
  5. In the Source Results pane, select the results that you want to use in the calculation.
    For example, if you selected G&A on the Calculation grid, you can calculate the G&A (General and Administrative) result as a function of the DIRECT and OVERHEAD results.
    G&A = (DIRECT + OVERHEAD) x G&A rate
  6. Click on the Quick Access toolbar to save the changes.